510 Call Court, New Baden, Illinois, United States
Jackie’s primary focus is on tailoring her massage therapy sessions to meet the individual needs of her clients. Her knowledge and years of massage and bodywork experience have created an environment which encourages a healthy balance between body and mind…NIRVANA. Massage and Bodywork relieve muscle tension and soreness, improve circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system, and promote peace of mind, body, and spirit.
Deep tissue massage is targeted at the deeper layers of muscle, tendons and connective tissue. It is used more for chronic pain and to release trigger points/knotted up areas in the muscle and fascia (tough connective tissue-protective layer surrounding muscles, bones, joints, etc).
Tapping along bridge of nose and on zygomatic bones (cheek bones). Vibrates mucus membrane walls allowing the mucus to break up and drain. Accelerates healing and relieves pain from sinus infection or sinus headache. Can be added to the end of a session. Short technique-about 5 minutes.
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