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Public comment period for proposed plan for Installation Restoration Program Site UK510 > Scott Air Force Base > Article Display

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The United States Air Force invites the public to review and comment on the Proposed Plan for the preferred alternative and rationale for cleaning up manganese and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) -contaminated sediment and subsurface soil at Installation Restoration Program Site UK510 at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

A Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study was finalized in June 2022 for UK510. The Remedial Investigation portion of the study provided a summary of the site history, which included results from the Remedial Investigation completed in 2017 through 2021. The Feasibility Study portion evaluated three remedial alternatives. Those alternatives were no action, land use controls, and removal and off-site disposal with land use controls.

The UK510 proposed plan recommended removal and off-site disposal of contaminated sediment and subsurface soils followed by implementation of land use controls. The recommendation was selected over the other alternatives in order to achieve short and long-term risk reduction by removing sediment and subsurface soil containing contaminants that exceed the remediation goals. The recommended alternative is technically and administratively feasible, protective of human health and the environment, and cost-effective. The USAF has selected the preferred alternative for UK510 and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency concurs with USAF’s selection.

To review the proposed plan for UK510, please visit the AFCEC Administrative Record at ar.afcec-cloud.af.mil/. To access the documents, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Continue to site.” Then, select “Active Duty.” Scroll down the Installation List and select “Scott AFB, IL.” Enter 2123 (UK510 PP) in the “AR #” field. Select “Search” at the bottom of the page. Click on the spy glass to view the document.

The documents may also be accessed by contacting the 375th Civil Engineering Environmental Office or the Southwestern Illinois College Library at:

375th Civil Engineering Environmental Office

Attention: Audrey Meads

701 Hangar Road, Building 531

Scott AFB, Illinois 62225-5035

618 256-2387


Southwestern Illinois College Library

IS Room 1025, 2500 Carlyle Ave

Belleville, Illinois 62221

618 235-2700 Ext. 5204

The formal comment period for UK510 starts on Feb. 14, 2023 and ends on Mar. 17, 2023. Written comments will be accepted at any time during the formal comment period. Additionally, a public meeting may be held for UK510 if requested by the public.

Submit your comments to 375th AMW/Public Affairs by e-mail to 375AMW.PA.org@us.af.mil or by mail to 375th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs, 901 South Drive, Building 700W, Scott AFB, Ill., 62225-5103.


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